Basic Counselling
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Basic Counselling
Code: 36670
ECTS: 5.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Gordana Berc
izv. prof. dr. sc. Marina Milić
Lecturers: prof. dr. sc. Gordana Berc - Exercises
izv. prof. dr. sc. Marina Milić - Exercises
Basic data
Basic Counselling 5.0 36670
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Gordana Berc

Fridays from 11:00 to 12:00 pm

Nazorova 51, room 5D
izv. prof. dr. sc. Marina Milić Nazorova 51, room 18
Lecturer Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Gordana Berc (Exercises)

Fridays from 11:00 to 12:00 pm

Nazorova 51, room 5D
izv. prof. dr. sc. Marina Milić (Exercises) Nazorova 51, room 18
REQUIRED: Nelson-Jones, R.; Praktične vještine u psihološkom savjetovanju i pomaganju; Naklada Slap (2007), str. 103-126, 135-156, 171-196, 263-274, 334-343, 521-528, 535-545
REQUIRED: Mearns, D., i Thorne, B.; Savjetovanje usmjereno na osobu; Naklada Slap (2007), str. 43-152
REQUIRED: Janković, J.; Savjetovanje u psihosocijalnom radu; Etcetera (2004), str. 5-44, 97-158
REQUIRED: Arambašić, L.; Gubitak, tugovanje, podrška; Naklada Slap (2005), str. 36- 45, 258-272, 334-368
REQUIRED: Predavanja i nastavni materijali; , str
REQUIRED: Buljan Flander, G., Bogdan, A. i sur.; Povezani: Telefonsko i e-savjetovanje u suočavanju s pandemijom COVID-19 i njezinim posljedicama; Hrvatska psihološka komora, Grad Zagreb, Gradski ured za zdravstvo i Poliklinika za zaštitu djece i mladih Grada Zagreba. (2020), str
RECOMMENDED: Corey, G.; Teorije i tehnike u psihološkom savjetovanju i psihoterapiji; Naklada Slap (2007), str
The course "Basics of counseling" is focused on the theoretical and practical part based on theoretical concepts of counseling and skills of counseling interviews and counseling processes as well as improving communication skills and techniques needed for counseling. The content of the case is based on an approach called "person-centered counseling" developed by Carl Rogers.
The content of this approach to counseling is based on focusing on the positive capacities of people in counseling and their personal strength to face the current problem and gain self-confidence and skills to solve future problems. In this context, the subject "Basics of Counseling" is based on learning the method of counseling and its concrete application whereby the person in counseling is empowered to understand specific difficulties in relationships (with self and others) and their setbacks and possible options for solving these problems. During this course, students are introduced to the necessary competencies that the counselor as an expert needs to master in order to be able to competently carry out the counseling process (five phases). During the workshops, students practice conducting a counseling interview in small groups.
Course content
-Consulting - general terms
-Ass advisor: Person and professional
-Ethics in counseling
-Basics of communication skills
-Elements of successful communication
-Techniques in counseling
-Phases of the consultation process
-Grief and loss
-Guidelines for the professional development of counselors and mental health care counselors
Exam dates