prof. dr. sc. Iris Goldner Lang
prof. dr. sc.
Iris Goldner Lang

Prof. dr. sc. Iris Goldner Lang je Jean Monnet profesorica prava Europske unije na Pravnom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Jedna je od koordinatorica Jean Monnet centra izvrsnosti “EU’s Global Leadership in the Rule of Law”, voditeljica je UNESCO-ove katedre za slobodno kretanje osoba, migracije i interkulturalni dijalog te članica Upravog odbora UNESCO-ove jedinice za bioetiku i pravo na Pravnom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Zaposlena je kao redovna profesorica u trajnom zvanju na Katedri za europsko javno pravo, čija je bila predstojnica od 2013. do 2015. godine.

Prof. Goldner Lang imala je gostujuće pozicije na Harvard Law School i na University College London (UCL). Bila je gostujući profesor (John Harvey Gregory Visiting Professor of Law and World Organization) i Fulbright gostujući istraživač na Harvard Law School 2015/16. godine. Također je bila gostujući istraživač na University College London (2017.) i na Harvard Law School (2018.). Pozivana je održati gostujuća predavanja na nizu međunarodno istaknutih sveučilišta i institucija, među kojima se izdvajaju: Sud Europske unije, Europski parlament, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), Sveučilište u Stockholmu, Sveučilište u Beču, Sveučilište u Lisbonu, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Alpbach Forum ljetna škola, Sveučilište u Bostonu, Sveučilište Temple, itd. Kao Chevening stipendist britanske vlade, magistrirala je pravo (LL.M.) na London School of Economics (LSE). Doktorirala je na Pravnom fakultetu u Zagrebu, a dio doktorskog istraživanja provela je na LSE-u i dio, kao Ernst-Mach stipendist, na Institutu za europsko pravo Johannes Kepler Sveučilišta u Linzu (Austrija). Položila je pravosudni ispit. Kao stažist je radila u Europskoj komisiji baveći se pitanjima proširenja Europske unije te europskim zdravstvenim pravom. Osim završenog studija prava, diplomirala je engleski jezik i književnost na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. 

Prof. Goldner Lang je članica Savjetodavnog odbora Horizon 2020 projekta “Reconciling Science, Innovation and Precaution through the Engagement of Stakeholders" (RECIPES), koji vodi Sveučilište u Maastrichtu. Predsjednica je Hrvatske udruge za europsko pravo (CroSEL) koja je ogranak International Federation of European Law (FIDE), hrvatska je predstavnica u Odysseus akademskoj mreži za izučavanje prava migracija i azila u Europi te članica Upravnog odbora Akademije europskog prava (ERA) u Trieru. Glavna je urednica časopisa Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy (CYELP), članica uredništva časopisa European Foreign Affairs Review (EFAR) i članica Savjetodavnog odbora časopisa ERA Forum. Urednica je tri knjige, autorica brojnih članaka u istaknutim međunarodnim publikacijama i autorica jedne monografije.




Objavljeni radovi u Hrvatskoj znanstvenoj bibliografiji

Pravo unutarnjeg tržišta Europske unije

Uredničke knjige, 2021.

Sloboda kretanja radnika

Goldner Lang, Iris
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2021.

Obveze Republike Hrvatske na temelju europskog prava pri donošenju zaštitnih mjera protiv pandemije COVID-19

Goldner Lang, Iris
Znanstveni radovi u zbornicima skupova, 2021.
Okrugli stol Primjena prava za vrijeme pandemije COVID-19

Impacts of the New Migration Pact on Asylum Seekers

Goldner Lang, Iris
Druga sudjelovanja na skupovima, 2021.
Legal Issues in Turkey – European Union Relations International Conference

Primjena pravila unutarnjeg tržišta EU-a na socijalne usluge od općeg interesa

Goldner Lang, Iris ; Petrović, Luka
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2021.

“Laws of Fear” in the EU: The Precautionary Principle and Public Health Restrictions to Free Movement of Persons in the Time of COVID-19

Goldner Lang, Iris
Radovi u postupku objavljivanja, 2021.

National Courts and the Enforcement of EU Law: The Pivotal Role of National Courts in the EU Legal Order – Report for Croatia

Bačić Selanec, Nika ; Ćapeta, Tamara ; Goldner Lang, Iris ; Petrić, Davor
Znanstveni radovi u zbornicima skupova, 2020.
29th FIDE Congress

Freedom of Movement, Migration and Borders

Ramji-Nogales, Jaya ; Goldner Lang, Iris
Znanstveni i pregledni radovi, 2020.

The Dark Side of Free Movement: When Individual and Social Interests Clash

Goldner Lang, Iris ; Lang, Maroje
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2020.

No Solidarity without Loyalty: Why Do Member States Violate EU Migration and Asylum Law and What Can Be Done?

Goldner Lang, Iris
Znanstveni i pregledni radovi, 2020.

The Implementation Issue: Who Will Pay for It?

Goldner Lang, Iris
Druga sudjelovanja na skupovima, 2020.
Third Annual Conference of the Academy of Law and Migration: THE NEW EUROPEAN PACT ON MIGRATION AND ASYLUM: OUT OF THE DEADLOCK?

What is the connection between the Greek-Turkish border situation, the Western Balkans route and the ECtHR’s judgment in N.D. and N.T.?

Goldner Lang, Iris
Druga sudjelovanja na skupovima, 2020.
Challenges of Irregular Migration on the Eastern Mediterranean – Western Balkan Route in the time of COVID-19

Self-Organisation of Third-Country Nationals in the EU: Polycentric Governance by the 'Other'

Goldner Lang, Iris
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2019.

Mračna strana slobode kretanja: kada su u koliziji interesi pojedinca i društva

Goldner Lang, Iris ; Lang, Maroje
Znanstveni i pregledni radovi, 2019.

The Constitution of Croatia in the Perspective of European and Global Governance

Goldner Lang, Iris ; Đurđević, Zlata ; Matajia, Mislav
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2019.

The Rule of Law, the Force of Law and the Power of Money in the EU

Goldner Lang, Iris
Znanstveni i pregledni radovi, 2019.

Financial Framework

Goldner Lang, Iris
Znanstveni radovi u zbornicima skupova, 2019.
From Tampere 20 to Tampere 2.0: Towards a new European consensus on migration

The Role of Supranational Institutions in Responding to Violations of EU Migration and Asylum Law in the Member States

Goldner Lang, Iris
Druga sudjelovanja na skupovima, 2019.
Constitutional Foundations of EU Migration Law

Refugees’ Rights in the EU under Scrutiny of the Rule of Law and Human Rights

Goldner Lang, Iris
Druga sudjelovanja na skupovima, 2019.
RLI 4th Annual Conference: Rethinking the 'Regional' in Refugee Law and Policy

Revisiting Precautionary Principle: Gene Editing and Can Law Keep Paste with Science

Goldner Lang, Iris
Druga sudjelovanja na skupovima, 2019.
REconciling sCience, Innovation and Precaution through Engagement of Stakeholders (RECIPES)

Diversity and Inclusion of Mobile EU Citizens and Third-County Nationals in the EU

Goldner Lang, Iris
Druga sudjelovanja na skupovima, 2019.
International Congress on Human Rights: Emerging Challenges

Croatia and EU Asylum Law: Playing on the Sidelines or at the Centre of Events?

Goldner Lang, Iris
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2018.

The EU Financial and Migration Crises: Two Crises - Many Facets of EU Solidarity

Goldner Lang, Iris
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2018.

Human Rights and Legitimacy in the Implementation of EU Asylum and Migration Law

Goldner Lang, Iris
Znanstveni radovi u zbornicima skupova, 2018.
Conference on Human Rights, Democracy, and Legitimacy in the 21st Century

Solidarity in Healthcare in EU Law

Goldner Lang, Iris
Druga sudjelovanja na skupovima, 2018.
Principle of Solidarity in Healthcare

The Child’s Best Interests as a General Principle of EU Law

Goldner Lang
Druga sudjelovanja na skupovima, 2018.
Constructing Legal Orders in Europe: The General Principles of EU Law

The Role of the Court of Justice in Applying the Charter in the Context of the Refugee Influx

Goldner Lang, Iris
Druga sudjelovanja na skupovima, 2018.
Asylum and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

Towards Judicial Passivism in EU Migration and Asylum Law

Goldner Lang, Iris
Druga sudjelovanja na skupovima, 2018.
Odysseus Annual Conference “Between Conflict and Compromise: “Between Law and Politics in EU Migration and Asylum Policies”

Regulating breaches of professional ethics and conducting disciplinary proceedings against physicians in Europe (Chapter 33)

Roksandić Vidlička, Sunčana ; Goldner Lang, Iris ; Maršavelski, Aleksandar
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2017.

Regulating breaches of professional ethics and conducting disciplinary proceedings against physicians in Europe

Roksandić Vidlička, Sunčana ; Goldner Lang, Iris ; Maršavelski, Aleksandar
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2017.

Regulating breaches of professional ethics and conducting disciplinary proceedings against physicians in Europe

Roksandić Vidlička, Sunčana ; Goldner Lang, Iris ; Maršavelski, Aleksandar
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2017.

EU Public Health and Food Regulation

Goldner Lang, Iris
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2017.

The European Union and Migration : An Interplay of National, Regional, and International Law

Goldner Lang, Iris
Znanstveni i pregledni radovi, 2017.

Access to healthcare in EU: Protection of Dignity and Equality

Goldner Lang, Iris
Druga sudjelovanja na skupovima, 2017.
Equality, Justice and Equity’ (Article 10 of Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights

European Banking Union: Croatia - National Report

Goldner Lang, Iris ; Lang, Maroje
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2016.

The Unavoidable Effects of the UK Referendum on the European Union

Goldner Lang, Iris ; Chang, Samuel H.
, 2016.

Refugees in Europe and the Changing Paradigm of EU Law

Goldner Lang, Iris
Druga sudjelovanja na skupovima, 2016.
2nd UNESCO Chair Conference “Refugees: Regional Approaches to Global Challenges”

Bioethics and EU Law

Goldner Lang, Iris
Druga sudjelovanja na skupovima, 2016.
Human Dignity and Human Rights: The Right of an Unborn Child

The Future of EU Migration and Asylum Law in the Context of the Refugee Crisis

Goldner Lang, Iris
Druga sudjelovanja na skupovima, 2016.
Annual Society for Legal Scholars (SLS) Conference

Antibiotics in Animal Feed in the EU and the US: Do We Need a Global Approach?

Goldner Lang, Iris
Druga sudjelovanja na skupovima, 2016.
ASLME 39th Annual Health Law Professors Conference

Do Refugees have Fewer Human Rights in the Case of a Mass Influx?: A European Perspective

Goldner Lang, Iris
Druga sudjelovanja na skupovima, 2016.
Harvard Law School Human Rights Program Symposium: "Human Rights, Democracy and Legitimacy in the 21st Century"

EU Mobility Regimes and Visa Policy towards ENP Countries

Goldner Lang, Iris ; Dumas, Perinne
Znanstveni i pregledni radovi, 2015.

Internal Situations in Family Reunification Matters

Goldner Lang, Iris
Druga sudjelovanja na skupovima, 2015.
1st UNESCO Conference ”Current Issues in EU Migration, Asylum and Free Movement Law”

The Economic and Monetary Union: Croatia - National Report

Goldner Lang, Iris ; Lang, Maroje
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2014.

The Reach of EU Citizenship Rights for “Static” EU Citizens

Goldner Lang, Iris
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2014.

Europsko pravo kao okvir pravosudne suradnje u kaznenim stvarima

Goldner Lang, Iris
Znanstveni i pregledni radovi, 2014.

Pravo pacijenata na prekograničnu zdravstvenu skrb u Europskoj uniji

Goldner Lang, Iris
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2013.

Is There Solidarity on Asylum and Migration in the EU?

Goldner Lang, Iris
Znanstveni i pregledni radovi, 2013.

Ima li solidarnosti u azilu i migracijama u Europskoj uniji?

Goldner Lang, Iris
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2013.

The Impact of Enlargement(s) on the EU Institutions and Decision-Making Special Focus : Croatia

Goldner Lang, Iris
Znanstveni i pregledni radovi, 2012.

Croatia – National Report

Đurđević, Zlata ; Goldner Lang, Iris ; Munivrana Vajda, Maja
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2012.

Što unutarnje tržište EU donosi hrvatskim poduzetnicima?

Goldner Lang, Iris
, 2012.

PRETHODNI POSTUPAK U PRAVU EUROPSKE UNIJE – suradnja nacionalnih sudova s Europskim sudom

Uredničke knjige, 2011.

Free Movement of Services and Establishment in the Overseas

Perišin Tamara ; Goldner Lang, Iris
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2011.

Postepena liberalizacija kretanja roba i ljudi u Hrvatskoj i Makedoniji – prije i nakon članstva u EU

Perišin, Tamara ; Goldner Lang, Iris
Znanstveni i pregledni radovi, 2011.

From Association to Accession: How Free is the Free Movement of Persons

Iris Goldner Lang
Autorske knjige, 2011.

Učinci presuda Europskog suda u prethodnom postupku

Goldner Lang, Iris
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2011.

Značenje pojmova u pravu EU: Mislimo li na isto?

Goldner Lang, Iris
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2011.

Hrvatsko medicinsko pravo u svjetlu europskih standarda

Turković, Ksenija ; Goldner Lang, Iris ; Nikšić, Saša ; Roksandić Vidlička, Sunčana ; Maršavelski, Aleksandar ; Brozović, Juraj
Drugi radovi u časopisima, 2010.

Reforma Europske unije - Lisabonski ugovor

Uredničke knjige, 2009.

Patient Mobility in the European Union: Pushing for EU Internal Health Market

Goldner Lang, Iris
Znanstveni i pregledni radovi, 2009.

Languages as a Barrier to Free Movement of Persons in the European Union

Goldner Lang, Iris
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2009.

The New Services Directive of the European Union – Hopes and Expectations from the Angle of a (Further) Completion of the Internal Market - National Report for Croatia

Rodin Siniša ; Goldner Iris
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2008.

Sloboda kretanja ljudi u EU: Kontekst sporazuma o pridruživanju

Iris Goldner Lang
Autorske knjige, 2007.

Transitional Arrangements in the Enlarged European Union: How Free is the Free Movement of Workers?

Iris Goldner Lang
Znanstveni i pregledni radovi, 2007.

External Relations of the EU and the Member States: Competence, Mixed Agreements, International Responsibility, and Effects of International Law - National report for Croatia

Rodin, Siniša ; Goldner Lang, Iris
Znanstveni radovi u zbornicima skupova, 2006.
22nd FIDE Congress

Hrvatska – nacionalno izvješće: External Relations of the EU and the Member States: Competence, Mixed Agreements, International Responsibility, and Effects of International Law

Rodin, Siniša, Goldner Lang, Iris
Znanstveni radovi u zbornicima skupova, 2006.
FIDE kongres

Family reunification of European Community nationals

Goldner, Iris
Znanstveni i pregledni radovi, 2005.

Sloboda kretanja ljudi u Europskoj uniji temeljem Europskih sporazuma i Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju

Iris Goldner
Doktorske disertacije, 2005.


Goldner, Iris
Poglavlja u knjigama, 2004.

Znanstveni skup: XXI. kongres FIDE

Đurđević, Zlata ; Goldner, Iris ; Petrović, Siniša
Drugi radovi u časopisima, 2004.

Free Movement of Persons in the EU and Third Country Nationals

Goldner, Iris
Druga sudjelovanja na skupovima, 2003.
International Seminar: The Stabilization and Association Process and the Future of Europe

Free Movement of Third Country Nationals in the European Union: Policies, Developments and Limitations

Goldner, Iris
Znanstveni i pregledni radovi, 2003.

Pridruživanje Hrvatske Europskoj uniji - izazovi ekonomske i pravne prilagodbe (ur: Katarina Ott)

Goldner, Iris
Drugi radovi u časopisima, 2003.

Jednakost muškarca i žene : Pravo i politika u Hrvatskoj i Europskoj uniji

Uredničke knjige, 2003.

Panel diskusija o nastavi prava Europske zajednice održana u okviru Jean Monnet seminara "Stabilization and Association Process and Future of Europe", Dubrovnik, 2. ožujka 2003.

Rodin, Siniša ; Smerdel, Branko ; Ćapeta, Tamara ; Maduro, Miguel ; Shaw, Jo ; Stadlmeier, Sigmar ; Selanec, Goran ; Vasiljević, Snježana ; Goldner, Iris
Drugi radovi u časopisima, 2003.

Multi-Party Arbitration

Goldner, Iris
Znanstveni i pregledni radovi, 2001.

Imunitet arbitara

Goldner, Iris
Znanstveni i pregledni radovi, 2001.

States and state-controlled corporations in international commercial arbitration

Goldner, Iris
Znanstveni i pregledni radovi, 2000.
