izv. prof. dr. sc. Marko Turudić
izv. prof. dr. sc.
Marko Turudić

Marko Turudić is an associate professor at the Department of Administrative Law, University of Zagreb Faculty of Law. The subject of his scientific interest is primarily administrative procedure and administrative dispute, regulatory agencies, public procurement, regulation of electronic communications and other network industries.


He teaches at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law, the Study Center for Public Administration and Public Finance, and the Study Center for Social Work. At the Faculty of Law, he introduced "Regulation of Electronic Communications" and "Public Procurement" as elective courses, as well as a series of lifelong education courses on the same topics. He is the mentor of two doctoral theses in public procurement law, and is the national correspondent of the European Procurement and Public Private Partnership Law Review.


He is the author of over 60 scientific and professional papers and four books;


 "Public procurement law" (Narodne Novine 2017)

"Commentary on the Law on Public Procurement" (Zgombić and partners 2018)

"Media Law in Croatia" (Turudić, M., Lisičar, H., Kluwer 2019)

"Cohesion policy of the European Union through national bodies and procedures" (Narodne novine 2023)




Graduation year: 2007

PhD graduation year: 2013

Employed since: 2008


Public phone number:
4895 740
Ćirilometodska 4, soba 40A/potkrovlje
Administrative Law

Mondays  5.30 -7PM.

Personal web page: