Women's legal history - Croatian tradition and the European context
Chair of Croatian History of Law and State
Women's legal history - Croatian tradition and the European context
Code: 127643
ECTS: 4.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Mirela Krešić
Lecturers: izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivan Kosnica - Lectures
izv. prof. dr. sc. Dunja Milotić - Lectures
Basic data
Women's legal history - Croatian tradition and the European context 4.0 127643
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Mirela Krešić Ćirilometodska 4, room 35
Lecturer Consultations Location
izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivan Kosnica (Lectures) Ćirilometodska 4, room soba 41 (2. kat)
izv. prof. dr. sc. Dunja Milotić (Lectures) Ćirilometodska 4, room Ćirilometodska 4, soba 12A (dvorište)
REQUIRED: Krešić, Mirela; Entitlement of Female Descendants to Property of Croatian Communal Household; Journal on European History of Law, 2011., br. 2 (2011), str. 73-85
REQUIRED: Krešić, Mirela; Zakonsko nasljeđivanje bračnih drugova prema OGZ-u na hrvatsko-slavonskom pravnom području; Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 2010., br. 2 (2010), str. 527-552
REQUIRED: Krešić, Mirela; Intestate Succession of Female Descendants According to the Austrian General Civil Code in the Croatian-Slavonian Legal Area 1853-1946; Belgrade Law Review, 2010, br. 3 (2010), str. 121-136
REQUIRED: Krešić, Mirela; The Matrimonial Law of the Muslims of Croatia 1916-1941; Beck Varela, L; Gutierrez Vega, P.; Spinosa, A. (ur.), Crossing Legal Cultures (2009), str. 365-380
REQUIRED: Dobrovšak, Ljiljana; Ženidbeno (bračno) pravo u 19. stoljeću u Hrvatskoj; Croatica Christiana Periodica, vol. 29., br. 56. (2005), str. 77-104
REQUIRED: Margetić, Lujo; Hrvatsko srednjovjekovno obiteljsko i nasljedno pravo; Zagreb: Narodne novine (1996), str. odabrane
REQUIRED: Janeković Roemer, Zdenka; Rod i grad: Dubrovačka obitelj od XIII do XV stoljeća; Zagreb: Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti (1994), str. odabrane
REQUIRED: Lonza, Nella; Dvije izgubljene duše: čedomorstva u Dubrovačkoj republici (1667-1808); Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku (2001), str. 261-303
REQUIRED: Grozdanić, Velinka; Ritossa, Dalida; Povijesni razvoj kaznenopravnog statusa žena; Grozdanić, Velinka (ur.), Kada žena ubije - interdisciplinarni pristup, Rijeka: Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci (2011), str. 15-92
REQUIRED: Karbić, Marija; Žene s druge strane zakona. Nekoliko primjera iz srednjovjekovnih gradskih naselja u međurječju Save i Drave; Miljen, Suzana (ur.), Na rubu zakona: društveno i pravno neprihvatljiva ponašanja kroz povijest, Zagreb: Društvo studenata povijesti Lucius (2009), str. 51-64
REQUIRED: Mogorović Crljenko, Marija; Nepoznati svijet istarskih žena: položaj i uloga žene u istarskim komunalnim društvima: primjer Novigrada u 15. i 16. stoljeću; Zagreb: Srednja Europa (2006), str. odabrane
RECOMMENDED: Adamović, Mirjana; Žene i društvena moć; Plejada; Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu (2011), str. [object Object]
RECOMMENDED: Boisseau, Tracy Jean; Thomas, Tracy A.; Feminist legal history: essays on women and law; New York: New York University Press (2011), str. odabrane
RECOMMENDED: Duby, Georges; Vitez, žena i svećenik: ženidba u feudalnoj Francuskoj; Split: Logos (1987), str. 215
RECOMMENDED: Čepulo, Dalibor; Hrvatska pravna povijest u europskom kontekstu od srednjeg vijeka do suvremenog doba; Zagreb: Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu (2012), str. odabrane
RECOMMENDED: Eisner, Bertold; Privatno-pravni položaj žene po današnjem pravu Jugoslavije i njegovo uređenje u jedinstvenom Građanskom zakoniku za Jugoslaviju; Zagreb: Globus (1934), str. odabrane
RECOMMENDED: Feldman, Andrea (ur.); Žene u Hrvatskoj: ženska i kulturna povijest; Zagreb: Institut "Vlado Gotovac" (2004), str. odabrane
RECOMMENDED: Gross, Mirjana; "Nevidljive" žene; Erasmus, časopis za kulturu demokracije, 3 (1993), str. 56-64
RECOMMENDED: Janeković Roemer, Zdenka; Maruša ili suđenje ljubavi: bračno-ljubavna priča iz srednjovjekovnog Dubrovnika; Zagreb: Algoritam (2007), str. 327
RECOMMENDED: Apostolova Maršavelski, Magdalena; Quarta puellaris po običajnom pravu Turopolja (13. - 16. stoljeće); Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 1992., br. 2 (1992), str. 141-149
RECOMMENDED: Mill, James Stuart; Podređenost žena; Zagreb: Naklada Jesenski i Turk (2000), str. 112
RECOMMENDED: Mogorović Crljenko, Marija; Druga strana braka; Zagreb: Srednja Europa (2012), str. odabrane
RECOMMENDED: Novak, Zrinka; Neki aspekti pravnog položaja žena u Vinodolskom zakonu, Senjskom i Krčkom statutu; Historijski zbornik, god. LXII, br. 2 (2009), str. 315-343
RECOMMENDED: Perrot, Michelle; Moja povijest žena; Zagreb: Ibis grafika (2009), str. 221
RECOMMENDED: Prlenda, Sandra; Žene i prvi organizirani oblici praktičnog socijalnog rada u Hrvatskoj; Revija socijalne politike, god. 12., br. 3-4 (2005), str. 319-332
RECOMMENDED: Sperling, Jutta Gisela; Across the religious divide - Woman, Property and Law in the Wider Mediterranean (ca. 1300-1800); New York - London: Routledge (2010), str. odabrane
RECOMMENDED: Pastović, Dunja; "Defect of sex": exclusion of women from jury service in Istria 1873-1918; Journal on European History of Law, 7 (2016), 1 (2016), str. 155-171
I. Introduction: contents of the course, methods and basic terminology relevant to the study of the legal status of women through the history of the Croatian areas and their European context (2h)

II. Regulation of the legal status of women in the Croatian legal areas until 1848
1. Medieval legal sources (collections of Croatian customary law, statutory laws of Dalmatian and Istrian towns, the Tripartitum) and socio-economic conditions
2. The status of women in private law (marriage, family, property relations in marriage, inheritance)
3. The status of women in criminal law (4h)

III. The legal status of women in the Croatian legal areas 1848-1918
1. Overview of the most significant social, economic and legal reforms relevant to the legal regulation of the status of women (2h)
2. The status of women in private law:
2.1. Legal capacity and capacity to contract; property rights; matrimonial property regime (2h)
2.2. Marriage; personal relations in marriage; family relations (parent-child) (2h)
2.3. Inheritance rights of widows and daughters (2h)
2.4. Communal household - the role and legal status of women (2h)
2.5. Workshop: case study - an example from the practice of a civil court (2h)
3. The status of women in criminal law: women as the perpetrators/victims/witnesses of a criminal offence (4h)
3.1. Workshop: case study - an example from the practice of a criminal court (2h)
4. Moving from the private to the public sphere (education and employment of women) (2h)

IV. Students' presentations (2h)

V. Repetitorium; Concluding remarks (2h)
Exam dates