Cognitive Skills:
Knowledge and understanding
After successfully mastering the course, students will be able to:
- recognize historical basis of the modern Croatian legal culture;
- identify channels of transfer of law from European countries and their reception in the legal systems at the Croatian area;
- recognize Croatian influences on development of legal systems in the European context;
- remind himself / herself on knowledge of development of states and laws from the previous education and express it in the new context.
After successfully mastering the course, students will be able to:
- interpret fundamental determinants of development of the Croatian legal system and legal culture;
- demonstrate legal historical knowledge in explaining of the development of law at the Croatian area and in the European environment;
- use the knowledge of the Croatian legal tradition and legal culture for understanding the position of Croatia in the European Union;
- use the legal historical knowledge in concrete cases in legal practice.
After successfully mastering the course, students will be able to:
- analyze particular institutes regarding concrete legal and social environment;
- compare and relate state and legal development at the Croatian area with development in European environment;
- examine genesis of particular legal ideas and legal institutes at the Croatian area;
- check the influence of traditional determinants on the actual position of Croatia in the European Union.
After successfully mastering the course, students will be able to:
- formulate hypotheses about determinations of the contemporary Croatian state and legal system with previous development;
- formulate hypothesis about main channels of influence from the European environment on development of institutions at the Croatian legal area;
- construct the picture of development of the contemporary state and legal system from the Middle Ages to contemporary period;
- outline main events in the Croatian legal history.
After successfully mastering the course, students will be able to:
- evaluate the meaning and importance of the Croatian legal tradition for contemporary Croatian legal culture and Croatian legal system;
- estimate meaning and importance of influence from the European environment on shaping of the Croatian legal tradition and Croatian legal culture;
- re-evaluate accepted periodisation of the Croatian state and legal development;
- estimate functioning of particular institutes in reality from the perspective of its own time.
Practical and Generic Skills:
After successfully mastering the course, students will be able to understand historical determinants of contemporary Croatian legal system and Croatian legal culture, as well as respective determinants of functioning of institutions in reality. Apart from that, students will be able to better understand deeper determinants of the position of Croatia in the European environment including potentials, limits and problems arising for Croatia as a member state of the European Union, such as strategic issues of development as well as concrete problems in harmonisation of law. On the same basis students will be able to better understand and more easily follow events and processes happening in other parts of social system as well political and social actions reported in legal literature and in public media.
Students will be enabled to observe and analyse life of legal institutions in concrete social reality and to analyse legal norms in regard to the social environment as well as to develop critical attitude toward legal sources. Students will be enabled to find more easily legal sources from the past and to analyse them better and more completely, as well as to apply historical method of interpretation on contemporary legal sources. Through participation in teaching process students will develop a skill of structured oral and written expression of their own ideas.
Matching Assessments to Learning Outcomes:
Knowledge will be tested through presentation of seminars (facultative), seminar papers (facultative), and written and/or oral exams.
Seminar presentation consists of an oral explanation of particular topics with preliminary guidance by lecturers. In seminar presentation it is necessary to summarize and analyse sources, shows its understanding, identify open questions related to esential topics and discuss them. Through seminar presentation students should develop skill of public expression of their own thoughts and defend their own attitudes. Grade given for each particular presentation is an element of the final grade.
Seminar paper is a written elaboration of particular topic by which student should show that he/she has analysed literature as well as legal sources in respect to their respective social context and time, that he has identified essential determinants of the topic of presentation, that he/she understood meaning of the topic in a respective period as well and also considering the process of development in time including contemporary period. Through seminar papers students should acquire or strengthen their ability of collecting and presenting relevant information and writing a scientific type of text i. e. critical review of literature, analysis and synthesis and structuration of paper as well as shaping of scientific apparatus. Respective manual prepared by members of the Chair can be utilized in writing of seminar paper.
Written test with expected answers in a form of very short essay consists in definition of particular institutes, describing of more complex forms of development of particular institutes as well as of political and social processes and reproduction of explanations related to formation, functioning and development of particular institutes.
Oral exam consists in testing of ability to identify Croatian legal identity in historical development, of understanding of causal connections regarding formation and development of particular state and legal institutes at the Croatian area and their social function, of comparisons and knowledge of legal influences from the European environment on Croatian legal development as well as estimation of the importance of historical processes for the contemporary Croatian legal culture.