Chair of International Law
International Relations, Foreign Policy and Diplomacy
International Relations, Foreign Policy and Diplomacy
Code: 128005
ECTS: 5.0
Course coordinators: izv. prof. dr. sc. Mario Krešić
Lecturers: dr. sc. Mladen Andrlić , nasl. pred. - Lectures
Neven Pelicarić , nasl. pred. - Lectures
dr. sc. Koraljka Sansović , nasl. v. pred. - Lectures
Basic data
International Relations, Foreign Policy and Diplomacy 5.0 128005
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
izv. prof. dr. sc. Mario Krešić


Wednesday at 10:00



Gundulićeva 10, room 20
Lecturer Consultations Location
dr. sc. Mladen Andrlić , nasl. pred. (Lectures)
Neven Pelicarić , nasl. pred. (Lectures)
dr. sc. Koraljka Sansović , nasl. v. pred. (Lectures)
The concept of international relations and foreign policy. The role of foreign policy and diplomacy in international relations. Development tendencies in international relations and diplomacy. Guidelines of the Croatian foreign policy. Transformations of international relations after the cold war. The influence of globalisation on international relations: increased interdependence. Decreased chances for global conflicts, increased chances for local conflicts. The role of the UN, particularly of the Security Council form bipolarity to unipolarity or multipolarity. The USA as the only superpower widening and strengthening regional ties, with particular stress on the EU. "Millennium development goals" and the problems of developing countries. The challenge of terrorism, its roots, and prerequisites of successful combat against it. Croatia and its international environment. The transformation of state sovereignty. The evolution of understanding the concept of state sovereignty. Increased international protection of human rights. Experiences of criminal justice cases and humanitarian intervention. Croatian foreign policy. Relations with neighbouring countries. Croatia and the EU. Croatia and NATO. Contemporary diplomacy. Shaping the international political goals and the role of diplomacy. The development of methods and techniques. Bilateral and multilateral diplomacy. The art of negotiation. Selection and education of diplomats. Diplomacy and ethics.
Exam dates