After successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- define basic concepts in criminal substantive law, criminal procedural law and misdemeanor law
- name main and subsidiary subjects in criminal and misdemanor procedure and explain their roles;
- explain the difference between crimes and misdemeanors and criminal and misdemeanor procedure;
- describe the course of criminal and misdemeanor procedure;
- discuss topics from criminal and misedemeanor law using professional terminology;
- use sources of criminal and misdemeanor law;
- apply provisions of criminal and misdemeanor legislation;
- interpret provisions of criminal and misdemanor legislation;
- distinguish between crimies and misdemeanors from other punishable actions;
- categorise crimes and misdemeanors according to their characteristics;
- analyse whether certain action constitutes a crime or misdemeanor;
- compare procedural institutes in criminal and misdemanor procedure;
- propose adequate actions in case of probability that crime or misdemanor was committed;
- prepare criminal or misdemanor charges;
- prepare a proposal of misdemanor warrant;
- compare criminal law and misdemanor law aspects of failure to pay taxes;
- assess legislative solutions de lege lata;
- recommend legislative changes de lege ferenda.
After successfullly mastering the course, students will be able to:
- express themselves in a clear and structured manner while explaining their standpoints (communication skills);
- self-evaluate their work.
Learning outcomes are assessed during classes through the interaction between the teacher and students, by mid-term examinations and written examination and by oral examination.
Intellectual (cognitive) skills of knowledge, understanding and application are tested by mid-term examinations and written examination through tasks of objective type with one or more short answers(as a rule up to five sentences). Monitoring the work of students through mid-term examinations develos the skill of self-evaluation.
Apart from intellectual skills, skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation, as well as communication skills are assessed in the oral part of the examination.
Active participation of students is encouraged in classes through examples, questions, solving cases from practice and similar, which also develops communication skills.